New-Tech Europe Magazine | December 2018
Fig 2: A prototype of the sensor sole was produced for the InForMed project by CMST/imec, Holst Centre and RSscan. On the left is the prototype based on thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) and printed silver structures (Holst Centre). On the right is the prototype using polyi-mide as the carrier, with laminated copper on both sides (CMST).
project show that the sensor is now within reach for RSscan. Further development at RSscan will now focus on the electronics module and product design to provide opti-mum user-friendliness. Finding the best technology, i.e. roll-to-roll or copper etching, will be researched further with CMST/imec and Holst Centre. The sensor soles will be extremely use-friendly. First because they are so thin and second because the supporting electronics (data processing and storage, wireless radio) are very compact and hence, unlike with comparable products, they can be clicked on to the shoe. This means readings can be taken without you even noticing. Want to know more? You can find more information about the European ECSEL InForMed project on the project website. (grant nº 2014-2-662155) http://informed- You will find more information about RSscan on the company web-site. ( RSscan was founded by the ath-lete Jempi Wilssens because he wanted to find a solution for the many injuries suffered by his fellow athletes. Read the RSscan story (http://www.rsscan. com/history/).
Find out how Ronaldo uses the RSscan sensor plate here (http://www. More information about the fitstation platform (https://www.rsscan. com/fitstation/) for 3D-printed personalized shoes and RS Print for 3D-printed personalized soles (http:// Biography Ann Monté Ann Monté received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics engi- neering from the University of Ghent, Belgium, in 2003 and 2008 respectively. Until today she is affiliated with the Inter-University Microelectronics Centre (imec), in the Cmst group at the University of Ghent. She is involved in research on the design of driver elec-tronics for both displays and lighting as well as
in the design of inte-grated sensor systems. She is author or co-author of 25 papers in international technical journals and conference proceedings. Biography Fien Burg Fien Burg received her master's degree in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy in 2007 at KU Leuven, Belgium. In 2009, she obtained an additional certificate in Biomedical and Clinical Engi-neering Techniques, also at KU Leuven. In 2014 she received her doctoral degree in Biomedical Sciences titled 'Biomechanics of the foot-ankle complex before and after total ankle arthroplasty: An in vivo and in vitro analysis'. Since 2014, she is active as Research Manager at rs scan International.
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