New-Tech Europe Magazine | Feb 2017
Pictures from Previous years
Electronic Displays Conference
supporting the activities and focus of embedded systems developers. The success of the embedded world Conference bases on direct participation by a whole community — hardware and software designers of a segment that's virtually unequalled in creating innovative ideas for countless applications. Conference content, solicitously selected by an international jury, guarantees the necessary balance of knowledge and annual unfolding and analysis of the latest developments and trends. But what's special about the embedded world Conference is that contributions are consistently solution-oriented, of great value and directly aiding both single participants and in fact the whole segment in what confronts them daily.
highlight. In Hall 1 the suppliers in the displays field familiarize the trade visitors among others with display technologies. M2M Area Due to increasing mobility and worldwide networking, the innovation spiral of the machine-to-machine sector is turning faster and faster. In the M2M Area in Hall 3 the suppliers from the M2M sector have a unique platform for the presentation of their latest products and applications. safety & security Area Be it security for hard and software (safety), protection against external attacks or protection against piracy (security) – in the safety & security Area at embedded world 2017 you will experience impressive ideas for the embedded sector.
Since its launch, the electronic displays Conference has established itself as the most important European B2B platform for display technologies. At the Conference the focus will be on trend themes such as display technologies (LCD, OLED, PDP, LED, ePaper), flexible displays, projection, human-machine interfaces, graphical user interfaces, touch screens or 3D displays. Once again in 2017 you can look forward to the dialogue with developers, scientists and users of electronic displays. Special Shows Electronic Displays Area The electronic displays area has developed into a further sector
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