New-Tech Europe Magazine | June 2016


TINY! Ultra- Wideband


EP2K+ 5 to 20 GHz


1.8 to 12.5 GHz

EP2K1+ 2 to 26.5 GHz

$ 5 56

2to26.5GHz Single Unit Coverage as Wide as

Models from


Our new EP-series ultra-wideband MMIC splitter/combiners are perfect for wide- band systems like defense and instrumentation that require full coverage in a single component. These models deliver consistent performance across the whole range, so you can reduce component counts on your bill of materials by using one part instead of many! They utilize GaAs IPD technology to achieve industry-leading performance, high power handling capability and efficient heat dissipation in a tiny 4x4mm device size, giving you a new level of capability and the flexibility to use them almost anywhere on your PCB! They’re available off the shelf, so place your order on today, and have them in hand as soon as tomorrow! Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 THE WIDEST BANDWIDTH IN THE INDUSTRY IN A SINGLE MODEL! • Series coverage from 1.8 to 26.5 GHz • Power handling up to 2.5W • Insertion loss, 1.1 dB typ. • Isolation, 20 dB typ. • Low phase and amplitude unbalance • DC passing up to 1.2A Tiny size, 4 x4 x1mm •

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