New-Tech Europe | March 2016 | Digital edition
Mini-Circuits ®
Mini-Circuits ®
PMA3-83LN+ PMA3-83LN
Ultra - WidebandLowNoiseAmplifiers ... Matched! Lownoise, high dynamic range, high output power, and flat gain from 0.5 to 8GHz, all in a single model! And it’s very easy to use: all you need is a simple fixed inductor at the input and output to match impedance over the entire frequency band! i It’s ideal for sensitive, high-dynamic-range receivers, instrumentation, defense systems, LTE, WiFi, S-Band and C-Band radar, SatCom and more! It operates on a single 5V supply and comes in a tiny 3x3mm MCLP package for excellent manufacturability. It’s available off the shelf, so go to and place your order today for delivery as soon as tomorrow! • • Matched over full frequency range! • Low Noise Figure,1.3dB • High Gain, 21dB • Excellent GainFlatness,±0.7dB ii • High IP3,+35 dBm • High P OUT ,+23.2dBm Tiny Size, 3x3mm 0.5-8GHz i See datasheet for suggested application circuit. ii Flatness specified over 0.5 to 7GHz. Only $ 6 95 (qty.1000) Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Ultra - WidebandLowNoiseAmplifiers ... Matched! Lownoise, high dynamic range, high output power, and flat gain from 0.5 to 8GHz, all in a single model! And it’s very easy to use: all you need is a simple fixed inductor at the input and output to match impedance over the entire frequency band! i It’s ideal for sensitive, high-dynamic-range receivers, instrumentation, defense systems, LTE, WiFi, S-Band and C-Band radar, SatCom and more! It operates on a single 5V supply and comes in a tiny 3x3m MCLP package for excellent manufacturability. It’s available off the shelf, so go to and place your order today for d livery as soon s tomorrow! • • Matched over full frequency range! • Low Noise Figure,1.3dB • High Gain, 21dB • Excellent GainFlatness,±0.7dB ii • High IP3,+35 dBm • High P OUT ,+23.2dBm Tiny Size, 3x3mm 0.5-8GHz New i See d tasheet for suggested application circuit. ii Flatness specified over 0.5 to 7GHz. Only $ 6 95 (qty.1000)
541 revC
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Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500
541 Rev C 541 revC
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1/6/16 11:57 AM
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