New-Tech Europe | March 2017 | Digital Edition

Automotive Special Edition

Ambient Automotive LED Lighting Maximizes the Driving Experience

Mark Patrick, Mouser Electronics

If someone mentions automotive lighting, our thoughtswouldprobably initially jump to headlights where there has been very visible, ongoing innovation. Maybe after that we’d think next of the running lights and taillights where manufacturers often use unique designs to strengthen their brand. It would probably take some time before you think of the general ambient lighting in the car. But ambient lighting can have some really important effects on the occupants of the car psychologically, especially after a longer period of time. The ambient lighting of the car cabin can affect the mood of the passengers and driver. Ambient lighting is more than instrument backlighting; it is the entirety of the interior indirect lighting in the car. The lighting is intended to provide the driver

with positive emotions, such as relaxation, safety and pride, as well as making him or her feel comfortable and stop any feelings of claustrophobic in the driving position. The internal ambient lighting supplements the exterior lighting in an attempt to minimize any tiredness while driving. Each vehicle has a variety of internal lighting that combines in the overall ambient light. Backlighting for displays, instrument indication and running lights all contribute to the overall effect. The quality of ambient lighting has a proven effect on how we feel when we drive and can have a positive impact if implemented correctly. Psychology of Lighting and Color It has long been known that lighting

has an effect on how we feel. In the home or workplace, lighting affects our moods, our productivity and our decisions. Whether the light is warm or cool has a noticeable psychological affect that can make us feel tired or awake. It can affect our circadian rhythms and moods. Bright white light is seen as clean and may be used in environments like kitchens to give a feeling of hygiene. Warm yellow light can make newly baked cookies seem more appetizing, or can make you feel more relaxed at night in the bedroom. Manufacturers of automobiles have also tested lighting colors to determine which ones make drivers more relaxed and attentive. Light is often used to provoke different emotions. It is a subject that has been studied extensively. BMW engineers and the Lighting

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