New-Tech Magazine | APR 2024 | Digital Edition

Save The Date 28.5.2024

Opto-Tech The Annual Electro Optics Conference

Among the Lectures:

Pavilion 1, EXPO Tel Aviv

For more information and registration: Mr. Oren Aharon, Founder, Dume Optics | Iron Beam Intensity Analysis: Precision Measurement Techniques for Laser Beams Exceeding 50 Kilowatts Prof. Zeev Zalevsky, Electrical Engineering and Nanophotonics, Bar-Ilan University | Photonic Medicine Prof. Erez Hasman, Head of the Atomic-Scale Photonics Laboratory, The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology | Atomic-Scale Spin-Optical Laser: New Horizon for Optoelectronic Devices Prof. Yehuda Band, Department of Electro-Optics, Ben-Gurion University | Negative Refraction in Isotropic Achiral and Chiral Materials Prof. Yonatan Sivan, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University | Higher Speed, Higher Accuracy Numerical Simulations of Nanophotonic Systems without Commercial Software Dr. Eliahu Cohen, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University | Quantum Sensing with Nonlinear Interferometers Prof. Avinoam Zadok, Electrical Engineering, Bar-Ilan University | Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits Prof. Dafne Guetta, Department of Physics, Ariel University | The Use of Electro-Optical Devices to Detect High Energy Particles and Photons

28.5.2024 | 09:30-15:00

The Annual Conference – Opto-Tech – will be held as part of the New– Tech 2024 Exhibition – the International Hi-Tech and Electronics Exhibition, scheduled for May 28-29.05.24, at Expo Tel-Aviv ! • ההשתתפות באירועי ניו-טק היא לעובדי תעשיית ההיי-טק והאלקטרוניקה • הכניסה לתערוכה ללא תשלום אך נדרשת הרשמה מוקדמת ואישור החברה המארגנת

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