New-Tech Magazine Europe | Dec 2015 Digital edition
Kinetis KV5x MCU Fa
Kinetis KV5x MCU Family
The Kinetis KV5x family of microcontrollers (MC offering exceptional precision, sensing and cont applications in motor control and power conver
TARGET APPLICATIONS } Connected industrial drives } Industrial motor control The Kinetis KV5x family of microcontrollers (MCUs) is a high-performance solution offering exceptional precision, sensing and control for some of the most demanding applications in motor control and power conversion.
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– BLDC motors – PMSM motors – AC induction motors
TARGET APPLICATIONS } Connected industrial drives } Industrial motor control
} Industrial automation } Multi-motor control } Switch mode power supply (SMPS) } Photovoltaic systems } Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) FEATURES AND BENEFITS } High-performance 220 MHz ARM Cortex-M7 core combined with a high level of analog and digital integration targeted at real-time control applications } Up to 1 MB Flash and 256 KB RAM, 16 KB instruction cache and 8 KB d a cache. 256 KB of RAM in ludes 64 KB of ITCM RAM ns ring m ximum CPU p rformance of fast cont ol loops wit minimal latency } 4 x 8ch 12-bit ADC’s sampling at 5 MSPS with dual sample and hold circuitry, can capture current and voltage simultaneously for two motors giving true independent dual motor control } Ethernet option with True Random Number Generator and Cryptographic unit providing a low cost integrated connectivity solution SRAM 256 / 128 KB External Bus Interface (FlexBus) Clocks Phase & Frequency- Locked Loop Low/High Frequency Oscillators Internal Reference Clocks The Kinetis KV5x family of MCUs is built on the ARM ® Cortex ® -M7 core running at 220 MHz with a single precision floating point unit, it features advanced high-speed and high accuracy peripherals such as high resolution pulse-width modulation (PWM) with 312 picosecond resolution, 4 12-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) sampling at 5 mega samples per second (MSPS), a total of 44 PWM channels for support of multi-motor systems with PFC, 3 FlexCAN modules and optional Ethernet communications. The Kinetis KV5x MCU is supported by a comprehensive enablement suite both from us and third-party resources including reference designs, software libraries and motor configuration tools.
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– BLDC motors – PMSM motors – AC induction motors
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} Industrial automation } Multi-motor control } Switch mode power supply (SMPS) } Photovoltaic systems } Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) KINETIS KV5x MCU FAMILY BLOCK DIAGRAM Core ARM ® Cortex ® -M7 220 MHz System Internal and External Watchdogs
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Program Flash 1 MB / 512 KB
Debug / Interrupts
BOOT Flash
32 ch-DMA
The Kinetis KV5x family of MCUs is built on the ARM ® Cortex ® -M7 core running at 220 MHz with a single precision floating point unit, it features advanced high-speed and high accuracy peripherals such as high resolution pulse-width modulation (PWM) with 312 picosecond resolution, 4 12-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) sampling at 5 mega samples per second (MSPS), a total of 44 PWM channels for support of multi-motor systems with PFC, 3 FlexCAN modules and optional Ethernet communications. The Kinetis KV5x 16 KB I Cache MPU FPU 8 KB D Cache 6 x UARTs 2 x 1 2 C System MPU Inter-Module Crossbar Analog 4 x 12-bit SAR ADC 4 x ACMP Timers 2 x 12 ch. eFlexPWM 2 x 8 ch. FlexTimer Security and Integrity Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) MMCAU
capability, olution on odulation igh speed, unication ith And ighly tween plified ation
Communication Interfaces
3 x CAN
IEEE ® 1588 Ethernet MAC
2 x 2 ch. FlexTimer 2 x PDB
1 x 12-bit DAC 1 x 16-bit SAR ADC
3 x SPI
Quad Encoder
NXP Semiconductors ׀ AVNET ׀ ARROW
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Kinetis KV5x MCUs will be supported by the Kinetis Design Studio IDE, IAR Embedded Workbench ® for ARM and ARM Keil Microcontroller Development Kit. All IDEs support the
t Board a cost-effective, modular
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