New-Tech Magazine | Jan 2017 | Digital Edition
EP2K1+ 2 to 26.5 GHz EP2W1+ 0.5 to 9.5 GHz EP2C+ 1.8 to 12.5 GHz
A subsidiary of Mini-Circuits ® Qiryat Bialik, Israel 2751148 Applications Phone: 972-4-874-9100 Ext. 221/203 Fax: 972-4-875-7990 Applications Email: Representative & Distributor: HaMaapilim Street 31, Ramat HaSharon 4724041, Israel Phone: 972-77-540-6075 ● Fax: 972-153-77-540-6051 Email: MCDI Connecting Mini-Circuits & Israel 12/18/14 4:20 PM 440 rev S 12/18/14 4:20 PM 0.1 0.7 0.8 Frequency (GHz) 18 21 Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 ( 18) 934-4500 6/3/16 10:06 AM Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 0.7 0.8 Frequency (GHz) 18 21 Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 RoHS compliant * Heat sink must be provided to limit base plate temperature.To order with heat sink, remove “X” from model number and add $50 to price. All models IN STOCK! 183W+ 183+ Wideband Performance Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 547 Rev B 440 RevS WidbandAmpad.indd 1 0.1 213+ I I I I I 440 rev S 547 rev B.indd 1 super ultra wideband AMPLIFIERS Ultra wide coverage and super flat gain make our ZVA family ideal for ECM, instrumentation, and test systems. With output power up to 0.5 Watts, they’re simply some of the most usable amplifiers you’ll find, for a wide range of applications and architectures! All of our ZVA models are unconditionally stable, ruggedly constructed, and able to withstand open or short circuits at full output. For more details, from data sheets to environmental ratings, pricing, and real-time availability, just go to! up to +27 dBm output... 0 . 1 to 21GHz from super ultra wideband AMPLIFIERS Ultra wide cover ge and s per flat gai make our ZVA family ideal for ECM, instrumentation, and test systems. With utput power up to 0.5 Watts, they’re simply some of the most usable amplifiers you’ll find, for a wide range of applications and architectures! All of our ZVA models are unconditionally stable, ruggedly constructed, and able to withstand open or short circuits at full output. For more details, from data sheets to environmental ratings, pricing, and real-time availability, just go to! up to +27 dBm output... 0 . 1 to 21GHz comprehensive performance curves, data sheets, PCB layouts, and environmental specifications. You can even order direct from our web store, and have a unit in your hands as early as tomorrow! 2 , 3and 4WAY RoHS compliant SP 2-Way 0.12 x 0.12 x 0.06 " 100 kHz to 26.5 GHz 96 ¢ as low as ea. qty. 20 ultra small RoHS compliant RoHS compliant I I Wideband Performance Pay less and get more with our industry-leading, ultra small power spli ters. Th y’re a ottom-line plus for any budget, reducing costs while improving value. Just visit our website at for Choose from over a hundred models. Mini-Circuits rugged LTCC and semiconductor power splitters are available with narrowband and broadband coverage from 100 kHz to 26.5 GHz. Small in s ze and low in cost, they can handle as much as 20W input power with high isolation, low insertion loss, and mini al phase and amplitu e unbalance. Tiny pack ges as small as 0805 save valuable circuit board space while retaining outstanding unit-to-unit repeatability. SPLITTERS from $ 845 $ 845 ea. ea. * Heat sink must be provided to limit base plate temperature.To order with heat sink, remove “X” from model number and add $50 to price. Electrical Specifications (-55 to +85°C base plate temperature) Model Frequency Gain P1dB IP3 NF Price $ * (GHz) (dB) (dBm) (dBm) (dB) ( Qty.1-9) ZVA-183WX+ 0.1-18 28±2 27 35 3.0 1345.00 ZVA-183X+ 0.7-18 26±1 24 33 3.0 845.00 ZVA-213X+ 0.8-21 26±2 24 33 3.0 945.00 NEW * Heat sink must be provided to limit base plate temperature.To order with heat sink, remove “X” from model number and dd $50 to price. Electrical Specifications (-55 to +85°C base plate temperature) Model Frequency Gain P1dB IP3 NF Price $ * (GHz) (dB) (dBm) (dBm) (dB) ( Qty.1-9) ZVA-183WX+ 0.1-18 28±2 27 35 3.0 1345.00 ZVA-183X+ 0.7- 8 26±1 24 33 3.0 845.00 ZVA-213X+ 0.8-21 26±2 24 33 3.0 945.00 NEW $ 845 ea. Electrical Specifications (-55 to +85°C base plate temperature) Model Frequency Gain P1dB IP3 NF Price $ * (GHz) (dB) (dBm) (dBm) (dB) ( Qty.1-9) ZVA-183WX+ 0.1-18 28±2 27 35 3.0 1345.00 ZVA-183X+ 0.7-18 26±1 24 33 3.0 845.00 ZVA-213X+ 0.8-21 26±2 24 33 3.0 945.00 NEW BP 2- & 4-Way 0.25 x 0.22 x 0.08 " WP 4-Way 0.12 x 0.12 x 0.04 " SCN, QCN, QCS 2- & 3-Way 0.13 x 0.06 x 0.04 " 0.08 x 0.05 x 0.03 " EP 2-Way 4x4mm 5x5mm 0.1 0.7 0.8 Frequency (GHz) 18 183W+ 183+ 213+ I I I I 183W+ 183+ 213+ I I I Wideband Performance from All models IN STOCK! All of our ZVA models ar unconditionally stable, ruggedly constructed, and able to withstan open r short circuits at full output. For more details, from ata sheets to environmental ratings, pricing, and real-time availability, just go to! super ultra wideband AMPLIFIERS Ultra wide coverage and super flat gain make our ZVA family ideal for ECM, instrumentation, and test systems. With output power up to 0.5 Watts, they’re simply some of the most usable amplifiers you’ll find, for a wide range of applications and architectures! up to +27 dBm output... 0 . 1 o 21GHz 21 I All models IN STOCK!
440 RevS WidbandAmpad.indd 1
440 rev S
547 Rev B
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