New-Tech Magazine | Nov | Digital Edition

Arrow Israel Presents:

TEMPERATURE Customized temperature sensors for measurement, control and compensation applications. Custo ized te perature sensors for easure ent, control and co pensation applications.

VIBRATION/FORCE/TORQUE Vibration, force and torque encompass the measurements of shock, vibration, gravity, velocity, angle, force and reaction/rotating torque. Signal outputs are typically voltage with some digital outputs available. TI /F RCE/TORQUE Vibration, force and torque encompa s the easurements of shock, vibration, gravity, velocity, angle, force and reaction/rotating torque. Signal outputs are typically voltage with some digital outputs available. I

PRESSURE Using MEMS and silicon strain gauge technologies, our products measure pressure, ranging from inches of water to 100K psi. Using ME S an silic str i technologies, our products s r r r , ranging fro inches f t r t 1 i.

HUMIDITY Provides accurate measurement of dew point and absolute humidity. IDITY Provides a curate measurement of dew point and absolute humidity.

PHOTO OPTIC Optic based sensors include both photo optic components and complete sensor solutions. ptic base se s rs i l both photo o tic c t and co plete se s r s l ti .


POSITION Includes industrial linear, angular, tilt and fluid level sensors measuring inductive, potentiometric, magnetoresistive, hall e‚ect, reed switch, electrolytic and capacitive sensing with analog or digital outputs. Includes industrial linear, a l r, tilt fluid level sensors eas ri i ti , potentio etric, magnetoresistive, hall e„ect, reed switch, electrolytic an ca iti sensing with analog or di ital t ts.

PIEZO-FILM Provides durable vibration, accelerometer or dynamic switch elements for a wide range of markets and applications. I -FIL Provides durable vibration, a celerometer or dynamic switch elements for a wide range of markets and applications.

FLUID Measure real-time fluid monitoring under diverse pressure, flow and temperature conditions. I easure real-ti e fluid onitoring under diverse pressure, flow and te perature conditions.

The product portfolio includes technologies capable of measuring most physical characteristics contributing to a safe, green and connected world, even in harsh conditions. Each of the Sensor Solutions product lines support multiple end markets and applications. More information on TE’s Sensor products can be found on and in future postings. The product portfolio includes technologies capable of measuring most physical characteristics contributing to a safe, green and connected world, even in harsh conditions. Each of the Sensor Solutions product lines support multiple end markets and applications. More information on TE’s Sensor products can be found on and in future postings.

For more information contact:

Eyal Bagdady 054-8162962 | Arik Levinshteyn 052-3220309 | Rami Zluf 052-3240803 |

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