New-Tech Military Magazine | 03-04/2016
maxon DC motor Precise, efficient, durable.
2015-16 הגיע קטלוג sales @ : לפרטים והזמנה
maxon drives on Mars.
When it really matters. The aerospace industry also relies on our drive systems. They are used, for instance, in both of the NASA rovers which have been functioning on Mars since 2004.
On the Mars vehicles, maxon DC motors drive the wheels, steering, robotic arms, rock drills and camera control. The drive systems have to withstand tempera- ture changes between –120 °C and +25 °C, shock, sand storms and the special at- mosphere.
The maxon product range is built on an extensive modular system, encompassing: brushless and brushed DC motors with the ironless maxon winding, iron-cored flat motors, planetary, spur and special gearheads, feedback devices and control electronics.
maxon motor is the world’s leading supplier of high-precision drives and systems of up to 500 watts power output. maxon motor stands for customer-specific solutions, high- est quality, innovation and a worldwide distri- bution network. See what we can do for you:
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