New-Tech Military Magazine | 03-04/2016
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במאי 17-18 גני התערוכה, ת”א
Save The Date 17.5.16
New-Tech Events invites you to take part in a conference:
The Israeli Start-Up Conference The Israeli trade fairs center | 17.5.2016, 09:30 - 15:30 The conference is a meeting point for entrepreneurs, startup companies, venture capital funds and technology incubators. The conference will deal with issues of advanced technology development, financial accompaniment of startup companies, investments versus risks and more.
Among lectures: 09:30-09:55 Dr. David Zvilichovsky, Recanati Business School, Tel Aviv University
Crowdfunding Insights
09:55-10:20 Mr. Roy Ramon, Intel
Working with the Big Corporations
11:10-11:35 Mr. Zohar Zisapel, Founder Rad 11:35-12:00 Mr. Michael Eisenberg, Co-Founder
Raising money is easily difficult
Founding Partner of Aleph venture capital The Do's and Dont's in building a SaaS business 12:00-12:25 Mr. Ari Gottesmann, Founder & CEO Nomadigo How to Surf the IoT Crowdfunding Tsunami VISIT AT THE EXHIBITION 13:25-13:50 Mr. Alon Hendelman, Co-Founder & CPO Engie IoT - Connected Cars - Engie - Disrupting the automotive industryDeveloping product from sketch 13:50-14:30 Mr. Eli Itin, Co-Founder, Northern Star Innovation How Do We Create And Manage Innovation In Enterprises
לפרטים נוספים והרשמה: ,052-7538989 שירלי מייזליש:
הצעות להרצאה ניתן לשלוח ל: ,052-7953999 יעל כופר רוקבן:
קהל היעד: הכנס פונה ליזמים, מנהלי חברות, מהנדסי פיתוח, אנשי אקדמיה וכל מי שעוד רוצה לגעת בחלום!
*מספר המקומות בכנס מוגבל
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