New-Tech Military Magazine | 03-04/2016
Test & Measurement
Packaging & Production
Power Supply
Electro Optics & Camera
with ±1.0dB flatness, 1.5dB noise figure, and high dynamic range with +22dBm P1dB and +36dBm OIP3. The amplifier operates on a single +15V supply and comes housed in an aluminum alloy case (3.75x2.0x1.8”) with SMA connectors and heat sink for efficient cooling. "MCDI" : לפרטים נוספים 077-540-6075 : ט 153-77-540-6051 : פ
Mini-Circuits’ Ultra-Thin Coaxial 12-Way 0° Splitter/ Combiner Handles 20W Power from 600 to 6000MHz Mini-Circuits’ ZN12PD-63SMP+ is a coaxial 12-way 0° splitter/ combiner supporting a wide range of applications from 600 to 6000MHz. This model is capable of handling up to 20W RF input power as a splitter and provides low insertion loss (1.4 to 3.0dB), 19dB isolation, 9° phase unbalance, 0.7dB amplitude unbalance and DC current passing up to 1.2A (100mA each port). The splitter features blind-mate SMP snap-on connectors and comes housed in an ultra-thin, aluminum alloy package measuring only (8.50x9.50x0.43”), saving space and allowing easy cable connections in crowded layouts. "MCDI" : לפרטים נוספים 077-540-6075 : ט 153-77-540-6051 : פ
Mini-Circuits’ Ultra- Wideband MMIC Amplifier Provides Flat Gain from 0.01 to 12GHz Mini-Circuits’ new ultra-wideband LVA-123+ MMIC amplifier covers a wide range of applications from 0.01 to 12GHz including base station infrastructure, test instrumentation, wireless LAN, LTE, SatCom, avionics and more. This model provides 17.3dB gain with ±0.6dB gain flatness from 0.05 to 6GHz, +15.6dBm P1dB, and +28.2dBm OIP3 (typical specs at 2.0GHz). It provides input/output return loss of 12 to 28 dB over the 0.05 to 6GHz band without the need for any external matching components, saving board space and simplifying circuit design. Manufactured using InGaP HBT technology, the LVA-123+ operates on a single +5V supply and comes housed in a thermally efficient 3x3mm MCLP package with excellent ESD ratings (HBM class 1C; MM class M2) and MSL 1 moisture sensitivity rating. "MCDI" : לפרטים נוספים 077-540-6075 : ט 153-77-540-6051 : פ
Mini-Circuits’ Coaxial 5W Amplifier Provides High Gain and High Dynamic Range from 5 to 500MHz Mini-Circuits’ ZHL-5W-1+ is a coaxial, high-power amplifier capable of delivering 5W saturated output power from 5 to 500MHz, supporting applications including VHF/UHF, lab use and more. This model provides an outstanding combination of very high gain (40dB) and high dynamic range with +49dBm OIP3. The amplifier operates on a single +24V supply and comes housed in an aluminum alloy package (7.00x3.25x3.13”) with SMA connectors and an optional heat sink for efficient cooling. "MCDI" : לפרטים נוספים 077-540-6075 : ט 153-77-540-6051 : פ
Mini-Circuits’ Wideband, High-Directivity MMIC Amplifier Covers Applications from 1.5 to 6.0GHz Mini-Circuits’ MNA-7A+ is a wideband PHEMT based MMIC amplifier supporting applications from 1.5 to 6.0GHz including cellular infrastructure, defense, SatCom and more. This model provides high active directivity from of 18 to 38dB, making it ideal for use as a buffer amplifier. It delivers 17dB gain,
Mini-Circuits’ Coaxial Low-Noise Amplifier Provides High IP3 and Flat Gain from 1200 to 1700 MHz Mini-Circuits’ ZHL-1217MLN+ is a coaxial, low-noise amplifier supporting applications from 1200 to 1700MHz including GPS, MarSat and more. This model provides 29dB gain
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