New-Tech Military Magazine | 07-08/2016 | Digital Edition
WEDNESDAY 21.9.2016
IoT (Internet of Things) is a forum to present, and highlight the latest trends, products, applications, development, and business opportunities in IoT. The market for IoT, smart sensors, wearables, cloud, and related technologies is expanding at a phenomenal rate. The conference brings together industry leaders, developers, practitioners, and researchers active in IoT. The Internet of Things IoT 21.9.16 , Avenue, Convention and Event Center, Airport City 08:30-14:30
The Annual Conference For The Internet of Things
Embedded, microprocessors & IoT 2016
Registration & Breakfast
09:00-09:25 Dr. Atai Ziv , SolidRun
Mr. Ariel Hadar , IoT Area Manager, PTC/ThingWorx IoT and Augmented Reality
"Avoiding the embedded graveyard" - New approach to embedded development
Mr. Yaron Magber, Director Engineering and Design Center Manager, ARM Israel TBD
Visit at the Exhibition
10:30-10:55 Mr. Guy Lampert , Xilinx Israel
Mr. Miller Chang, Associate Vice President, Advantech Empower IoT Edge Computing with M2.COM Wireless Sensor Networking Dr. Shimon Mizrahi, Lev Academic center JCT, Electronics Department Embedded, Microprocessors & IoT in agriculture applications - from sensor to system Mr Eran Bello, ASOCS The New Edge - Complete RAN Virtualization, from 4G to 5G and beyond Mr. Eldad Palachi & Mr. Eran Gery, IoT Division,IBM IoT Solution development on top of the IBM Watson IoT Platform
Industrial IoT – unleash your potential
10:55-11:20 Mr. Gal Yachil, Analog Devices Israel The Evolution of Self-Powered IoT Systems
Visit at the Exhibition
11:50-12:15 Mr. Haim Cohen, NXP
Powerful QorIQ Multicore Processors for the New Virtualized Network
12:15-12:40 Mr. Guy Vinograd , Softimize
Practices and considerations when building IoT services
12:40-13:05 Mr. Eli Jacobson
Mr. Asaf Shelly, Engage Technologies AI Autonomous Programming of IoT Devices
Wearables and fashion tech Design thinking
Visit at the Exhibition
13:40-14:05 Mr. Avi Cohen, Pertech
Mr. Assaf Galil, TenAsys Corporation Build Real Time Embedded systems utilizing Explicit Hardware Partitioning
Real-time protection of sensitive data as it traverses the IoT
Mr. Aviv Malinovitch, Vice President & General Manager, Ceva
For details please contact: Shirley Mayzlish | +972-52-7538989
For submitting a callout for lectures: Yael Koffer-Rokban | +972-52-7953999
Participation in the conference is free but advance registration is required For registration, please send your details via mail to: info@ Participation in the exhibition and conference free of charge,*Requires early registration and confirmation of the organizing company.
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