New-Tech Military Magazine | March-April 2017
Put the power of the PXI platform to work for you with an all-new line of PXI instrumentation from Astronics Test Systems. Small size, power-packed, and cost-effective, these instruments provide the perfect upgrade for your test system. Whether you’re injecting new life into existing VXI-based systems or designing the test system of the future, these PXI instruments deliver advanced functionality to ultimately reduce your cost of test. PXI Instruments from Astronics Drive Your Test Systems Forward
CTS-6000 Series Radio Test Set Nine Test Instruments in One Single, Portable Tester
Our most powerful and portable test systems: the ATS3000 Family of Testers The ATS3000 Family of Testers provides complete RF, Analog and Digital capabilities, including all of the digital IF and baseband I/Q signal processing required to meet the rigorous testing demands of modern communications systems.
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