New-Tech Military Magazine | Q1 2023
Save The Date 16-17.5.2023
Pavilion 1, EXPO Tel Aviv 16-17.5.2023 | 09:30-15:00 2023 AI, Machine Vision & Machine Learning Among the Lectures: Dr. Avishai Sintov, Senior Lecturer/ Assistant Professor, Tel Aviv University |
Mr. Amir Sherman, Senior Director Global, Semiconductor & Eco partners Business Development. Edge Impulse | How to Simplify your EdgeAI/ML with a Special Platform that can run on any Architecture, from ARM CortexMx /CortexAx to Neural Network Engine,Neuromorphic Core,RISC-V,Cadence & Synopsys Core,up to NVIDIA and x86 all in a one Platform. Mr. Liran Hason, CEO & Co-Founder, Aporia | Why ML Monitoring is Crucial for Effective Production ML Mr. Oren Aharon, CTO Duma Optronics | Tangible Robotics Machine Vision for AR/VR/XR Goggles Performance Measurements Dr. Alon Hasgall, Head of Information systems at Ramat Gan academic college and Chairman of the Innovation Center at the Israel Information Technologies Bureau | The Dilemma of Development and Evolution of AI Models
Importance of Data-Based Models for Robotic Systems Mr. Miki Peer, Founder & CEO, InnoWave Group | The Importance of Image Quality Tuning on Computer Vision Mr. Guy Zinman, Principal, Grove Ventures | GAI - the hype vs. reality - the VC perspective
Mr. Uri Dubin, CEO, RobotAI | The challenges in AI and Robotics
Mr. Yaron Ofer, Regional GM, Hailo | Hailo-15™ AI VPU (Vision Processing Unit) Mr. Yotam Azriel, CTO and Co-Founder Tensorleap | Developing Neural Networks with Applied Explainability Lieutenant Colonel. Guy Shuster, Chief Automotive Engineer, IDF | Automotive Data science vision in the IDF
For submitting a callout for lectures and Sponsorships: Tomer@new–
New-Tech AI conference will be held alongside the New-Tech Exhibition, the largest Exhibition in the High-Tech and Electronics fields. • ההשתתפות באירועי ניו-טק היא לעובדי תעשיית ההיי-טק והאלקטרוניקה • הכניסה לתערוכה ללא תשלום אך נדרשת הרשמה מוקדמת ואישור החברה המארגנת For more information and registration:
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