New-Tech Military Magazine | Q1 2023
EXPO Tel Aviv | 16-17.5.2023
Save The Date 16.5.2023
The Annual Robotics & Automation Conference Pavilion 1, EXPO Tel Aviv | 16.5.2023 | 09:30 - 15:00
Among the Lectures:
Prof. Amir Shapiro, Chief Scientist, Arena Robotics | Arena Robotics: Enterprise Multi-Robot Simulation System Mr. Davide Boaglio, Area Sales Manager MEA Regions, MiR | Implementation and Applications of AMR in EMEA Mr. Yair Gozlan, Robotics Engineer, ABB | Implementation of Cobots in the Industry - From Challenge to Success Mr. Carlos Benaim, CEO, Deep Learning Robotics |
AI-Powered Robots: What Are They and How They Will Revolutionize Everything We Do Manually Today Mr. Fabrice Boisset, General Manager, Europe, Middle East, Africa Region & Taiwan, China and South Est Asia, Interval Zero | How to Design a New Generation of 6 Axis arm Robot Controller Mr. Doron Gur, Control & Algorithm Team Leader, Elmo Motion Control | Innovative Control & Algorithms in Robotics
For further details: 09-7882288 |
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The conference will be held together with The Israeli Robotics Association
• ההשתתפות באירועי ניו-טק היא לעובדי תעשיית ההיי-טק והאלקטרוניקה • הכניסה לתערוכה ללא תשלום אך נדרשת הרשמה מוקדמת ואישור החברה המארגנת
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