ניו-טק מגזין | אוגוסט 2018
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New Products Motion Components Motion Automotive Computers
Integrated TTL compatible driver logic circuitry Rugged package designs support SMA female Connectors All models have an EAR99 export classification Pasternack new High Power RF & Microwave PIN Diode Switch modules are in-stock and available to ship immediately. לקבלת פרטים נוספים חזי אומן מנהל מכירות פסטרנק בחברת טרייטק בע"מ Hezi@Tritech.co.il
test cables. Features include:
Excellent VSWR of 1.3:1 Frequencies up to 50 GHz Reusable clamp attachment For microstrip or stripline Solderless installation
Pasternack new solderless vertical launch connectors are in-stock and available to ship immediately. לקבלת פרטים נוספים חזי אומן מנהל מכירות פסטרנק בחברת טרייטק בע"מ Hezi@Tritech.co.il
Pasternack High Performance Lighting & Surge Protectors Rogue power surges and indirect lightning strikes can wreak havoc on a network. Potentially millions of dollars in lost downtime can be incurred when a power surge or lighting strike hits. To protect your network and business, we have just launched a series of coaxial lighting arresters and surge protectors that offer high RF performance. These new surge protectors are perfect for use in cellular base stations, public safety systems, Wi-Fi networks, active antenna systems, and GPS applications. Features include: Frequency range from DC to 7 GHz Max power as high as 2kW VSWR as low as 1.1:1 Low insertion loss Multi-strike capability Pasternack new coaxial surge protectors are in-stock and available to ship. לקבלת פרטים נוספים חזי אומן מנהל מכירות פסטרנק בחברת טרייטק בע"מ Hezi@Tritech.co.il IP67 rated (most models) Low PIM models available CE & RoHS compliant
Pasternack 40GHz Skew Matched Cable Pairs For networking, semiconductor testing and supercomputing applications where skew match is extremely important, only the highest quality skew-matched cables should be used for the most accurate results. To address this need, we have just launched a new series of 40 GHz skew matched cable pairs for high-speed digital testing. Features Include: 1 ps Delay match Excellent VSWR of 1.4:1 100% tested up to 40 GHz Extremely Flexible Polarity indicators on cable ends Pasternack new skew matched cable pairs are in-stock and available for immediate shipment. לקבלת פרטים נוספים חזי אומן מנהל מכירות פסטרנק בחברת טרייטק בע"מ
Pasternack High Power PIN Diode Switch modules To facilitate high input power handling (hot switching) capability and high Isolation levels for radar systems, EW applications, base station infrastructure, repeaters, military/ microwave radios, public safety/land mobile radios, UHF/VHF radios and Test & Measurement applications, our newly released series of high power RF & Microwave PIN Diode switch modules achieve power handling capabilities up to 150 Watts. Features include: Frequency coverage from 20 MHz to 2700 MHz Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) 50 Ohm Reflective Designs Input CW power handling (Hot Switching) up to 150 watts High Isolation up to 75 dB typical
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