ניו-טק מיליטרי מגזין | 11-12/2018
Save The Date 28.5.2019
2019 The Israel Trade Fairs Center in Tel – Aviv 28.5.19 | 10:00-15:00 הכנס השנתי לבינה מלאכותית AI
The annual AI conference will be held this year, 28.5.2019, alongside the New- Tech 2019 Exhibition, the largest high-tech, and electronics exhibition. The conference will exhibit innovations and achievements of the industry and the academia in the field of Artificial intelligence. The conference programwill include a range of lectures of the best lecturers in the industry and academia. The conference includes lectures from the medical, defense, industrial, autonomous vehicle and other fields.
For submitting a callout for lectures: Tomer@new–techmagazine.com
New-Tech AI 2019 conference will be held this year alongside the 2019 New-Tech Exhibition, the largest Exhibition in the High-Tech and Electronics fields.
The conference and exhibition are for employees of high-tech and electronic industries, academic institutions and the security forces.
For further details: www.new-techevents.com info@new-techmagazine.com | 09-7882288
The participation in the conference is free of charge yet registration in advance is required
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