ניו-טק מיליטרי מגזין | 11-12/2018
Qormino ™ QT 10 A
Key Features: • High performance vs. reduced board size – The innovative 25mmx 38mm footprint offers all the high-speed communication interfaces of the NXP’s QorIQ™ T series processors whilst reducing PCB size by 50% • Reduced time-to-market – The QT10A removes the need to design the DDR3L linkbetween processor andmemory • 15+ years availability – The QT10Awill be available through SLiM™, e2v’s proven obsolescencemanagement service
P.O.B. 4575 Petach-Tikva 49145, ISRAEL OFFICES: 9, Ben Zion Galis St., Petach-Tikva Tel: 972-3-9314447, Fax: 972-3-9302867 Web: www.e-dart.co.il e2v.com /semis WE PARTNER WITH OUR CUSTOMERS TO IMPROVE, SAVE AND PROTECT PEOPLE’S LIVES P.O.B. 4575 Petach-Tikva 49145, ISRAEL OFFICES: 9, Ben Zion Galis St., Petach-Tikva Tel: 972-3-9314447, Fax: 972-3-9302867 eb: www.e-dart.co.il
49145 4575 9 03-9302867 03-9314447
49145 , פ"ת 4575 . ת.ד פתח-תקוה 9 משרדים: בן ציון גליס 03-9302867 : פקס 03-9314447 : טל Email: sales@e-dart.co.il Email: sales@e-dart.co.il
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