ניו-טק מיליטרי מגזין | ספט'-אוק 2017

SBG_A2_imp.pdf 1 15/02/2017 16:57

SBG_A2_imp.pdf 1 15/02/2017 16:57

IMU • AHRS • INS/GNSS Inertial Motion Sensors IMU • AHRS • INS/GNSS Inertial Motion Sensors IMU • AHRS • INS/GNSS Inertial Motion Sensors IMU • AHRS • INS/G S Inertial Motion Sensors

SBG_A2_imp.pdf 1 15/02/2017 16:57

ACCURACY ›› 0.1° Roll & Pitch ›› Up to 0.2° Heading ›› Up to 2 cm RTK GNSS position ELLIPSE Miniature Series ACCURACY ›› 0.1° Roll & Pitch ›› Up to 0.2° Heading ›› Up to 2 cm RTK GNSS position ELLIPSE Miniature Series ACCURACY ›› 0.1° Roll & Pitch ›› Up to 0.2° Heading ›› Up to 2 cm RTK GNSS position ELLIPSE Miniature Series ACCURACY ›› 0.1° Roll & Pit h ›› Up to 0.2° Heading ›› Up to 2 cm RTK GNSS position ELLIPSE Miniature Series

NEW VERSION Improved Performance NEW VERSION Improved Performance

NEW VERSION Improved Performance

NEW VERSION Improved Performance

ACCURACY ›› Up to 0.05° Roll, Pitch, and Heading ›› Up to 2 cm RTK GNSS position ›› Post-Processing Capabilities ACCURACY ›› Up to 0.05° Roll, Pitch, and Heading ›› Up to 2 cm RTK GNSS position ›› Post-Processing Capabilities EKINOX Advanced Inertial Sensors ACCURACY ›› Up to 0.05° Roll, Pitch, and Heading ›› Up to 2 cm RTK GNSS position ›› Post-Processing Capabilities EKINOX Advanced Inertial Sensors EKINOX Advanced Inertial Sensors ACCURACY ›› Up to 0.05° Roll, Pitch, and Heading ›› Up to 2 cm RTK GNSS position ›› Post-Processing Capabilities EKINOX Advanced Inertial Sensors









ACCURACY ›› Up to 2 cm RTK GNSS position ›› Post-Processing Capabilities APOGEE The Highest Accuracy ›› Up to 2 cm RTK GNSS position ›› Post-Processing Capabilities ACCURACY ›› 0.008° Roll & Pitch ›› 0.025° Heading APOGEE The Highest Accuracy ACCURACY ›› 0.008° Roll & Pitch ›› 0.025° Heading APOGEE The Highest Accuracy APOGEE The Highest Accuracy ACCURACY

www.aoe.co.il aoeab@bezeqint.net ,7570723 , ראשון לציון 19 רח' סחרוב 03-9440845 : , פקס 054-2299772 ,054-3063776 ,054-2299662 ,03-9440844 : טל

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