New-Tech Magazine | August 2016 | Digital Edition

Test & Measurement

Packaging & Production

Power Supply

Electro Optics & Camera




2002 ʤʷʩʰʥʸʨʷʬʠ ʠʸʦʲ ʥʠ ʩʩʠ ʺʸʡʧ ʭʩʩʨʥʧʬʠ ʤʡʩʡʱ ʩʰʹʩʩʧ ʥʷ ʤʷʩʹʤ ʮ ʲʡ ʤʸʥʨʸʴʮʨ ʣʥʣʮʬ ʺʬʥlzʩ ʭʩʰʹʩʩʧʬ ʭʲ ʣʧʩʡ ʤʸʥʨʸʴʮʨʥ ʲʢʮ ʠʬʬ ʤʸʥʨʸʴʮʨ ʤʸʥʶʡ ʭʩʰʥʺʰʤ ʺʠ ʭʩʧʬʥʹ ʭʩʰʹʩʩʧʤ ʺʥʧʬ ʬʹ ʡʹʧʮʬ ʸʨʮ 300 ʧʥʥʨʬ ʣʲ ʺʩʨʥʧʬʠ ʬʲ ʤʨʩʬʹʤʥ ʤʸʣʢʤʤ ʩʴʥʱʤ ʹʮʺʹʮʤ ʭʩʰʹʩʩʧʤ ʺʩʨʥʧʬʠ ʤʸʥʶʡ ʺʩʹʲʰ ʺʥlzʸʲʮʤ ʤʸʷʮʬ ʺʩʮʩʰʴ ʭʩʰʥʺʰ ʳʥʱʩʠ ʺlzʸʲʮ ʭʩʬʬʥlz ʤʴʩʶʸ ʺʩʨʥʧʬʠ ʺʸʥʹʷʺʬ ʺʥʸʹʴʠ ʯʩʠʹ ʺʰʺʩʰ ʸʹʠ ʺʩʮʩʰʴ ʤʬʬʥʱ ʭʩʬʬʥlz ʭʩʰʹʩʩʧʤ ʺʦʩʸʠ ʭʩʰʹ ʷʩʦʧʤʬ ʤʬʥlzʩʥ ʤʴʬʧʤʬ .IP67 ʯʷʺʡ ʤʰʩʤ ʭʩʰʹʩʩʧʤ ʭʤʸʡʠ ʯʸʥʠ ʬ ʤʰʴ ʠʰʠ ʳʱʥʰ ʲʣʩʮʬ ʮ ʲʡ 2002 ʤʷʩʰʥʸʨʷʬʠ ʠʸʦʲ ʥʠ ʩʩʠ 054-2299772

recall your own test profiles with specific attenuation patterns for R&D and production testing. DLLs for 32- and 64- bit systems and complete programming instructions for Windows ® and Linux ® environments are also included, allowing the same capabilities through your native test software. "MCDI ʭʩʴʱʥʰ ʭʩʨʸʴʬ 077-540-6075 ʨ 153-77-540-6051 ʴ

Mini-Circuits’ USB/RS232 Programmable Attenuators with 0-60dB Attenuation Range, 1 to 6000MHz Mini-Circuits’ RUDAT-6000-60 USB/ RS232 controlled programmable attenuator supports applications from 1 to 6000MHz with attenuation range from 0 to 60dB in 0.25dB steps. This combination of frequency range and attenuation control range supports a wide variety of applications including fading simulators, handover system evaluation, automated test equipment and more. Input IP3 of +50dBm enables linear attenuation change per dB over the entire range attenuation settings, while USB and RS232 control options allow layout flexibility and easy remote test management. Mini-Circuits’ user-friendly GUI software (included) allows you to sweep and hop attenuation levels and even save and

– ECO SENSORS ʭʩʩʨʥʧʬʠ ʤʡʩʡʱ ʩʰʹʩʩʧ ʩ ʲ ʺʢʶʥʩʮʤ ʺʩʰʮʸʢʤ BEANAIR ʺʸʡʧ

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