New-Tech Magazine | August 2016 | Digital Edition
WEDNESDAY 21.9.2016
IoT (Internet of Things) is a forum to present, and highlight the latest trends, products, applications, development, and business opportunities in IoT. The market for IoT, smart sensors, wearables, cloud, and related technologies is expanding at a phenomenal rate. The conference brings together industry leaders, developers, practitioners, and researchers active in IoT. The Internet of Things IoT 21.9.16 , Avenue, Convention and Event Center, Airport City 08:30-14:30
The Annual Conference For The Internet of Things
Registration & Breakfast
09:00-09:20 Dr. Atai Ziv , SolidRun
Mr. Ariel Hadar , IoT Area Manager, PTC/ThingWorx IoT and Augmented Reality
"Avoiding the embedded graveyard" - New approach to embedded development
Mr. Yaron Magber, Director Engineering and Design Center Manager, ARM Israel
Mr. Karl Wachswender, EMEA Solution Architect, Programmable Solutions Group (PSG) Intel Corporation Highly innovation & customized solutions with Intel Devices
Visiting The Exhibition
11:00-11:20 Mr. Guy Lampert , Xilinx Israel
Mr. Miller Chang, Associate Vice President, Advantech Empower IoT Edge Computing with M2.COM Wireless Sensor Networking Dr. Shimon Mizrahi, Lev Academic center JCT, Electronics Department Embedded, Microprocessors & IoT in agriculture applications - from sensor to system Mr Eran Bello, ASOCS The New Edge - Complete RAN Virtualization, from 4G to 5G and beyond Mr. Eldad Palachi & Mr. Eran Gery, IoT Division,IBM IoT Solution development on top of the IBM Watson IoT Platform
Industrial IoT – unleash your potential
11:20-11:40 Mr. Gal Yachil, Analog Devices Israel The Evolution of Self-Powered IoT Systems
Visiting The Exhibition
12:15-12:35 Mr. Haim Cohen, NXP
Powerful QorIQ Multicore Processors for the New Virtualized Network
12:35-12:55 Mr. Guy Vinograd , Softimize
Practices and considerations when building IoT services
Lunch breake & Visiting The Exhibition
13:40-14:00 Mr. Asaf Shelly, Engage Technologies AI Autonomous Programming of IoT Devices 14:00-14:20 Mr. Pavel Stessin, Spicebox Labs Introduction to Bluetooth 4.2
Mr. Eli Jacobson Wearables and fashion tech Design thinking
Mr. Assaf Galil, Tenasys Build Real Time Embedded systems utilizing Explicit Hardware Partitioning
Mr. Aviv Malinovitch, Vice President & General Manager Connectivity BU, CEVA
Visiting The Exhibition
For details please contact: Shirley Mayzlish | | +972-52-7538989 For submitting a callout for lectures: Yael Koffer-Rokban | | +972-52-7953999
Participation in the conference is free but advance registration is required For registration, please send your details via mail to: info@ 3DUWLFLSDWLRQ LQ WKH H[KLELWLRQ DQG FRQIHUHQFH IUHH RI FKDUJH 5HTXLUHV HDUO\ UHJLVWUDWLRQ DQG FRQ¿UPDWLRQ RI WKH RUJDQL]LQJ FRPSDQ\
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