New-Tech Magazine | Dec 2022
SAVE THE DATE 31.1.2023
Motion Control, Automation & Power Solutions לפתרונות בקרה, אוטומציה, הינע והספק הכנס השנתי 08:30-16:00 יום ג', 31.1.2023 | אקספו, תל אביב 10 ביתן
08:30-09:15 Registration + Breakfast & Visiting the Exhibition 09:15-09:45 Dr. Kfir J. Dagan, Electrical Energy Management Laboratory (EEML), Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Ariel University | Aircraft Electrical Energy Management Hall A2 9:45-10:10 Visiting The Exhibition 10:10-10:35 Prof. Shmuel (Sam) Ben-Yaakov, Consultant – Power
Hall A2
Hall A3
Mr. Oren Davidov, Global Application Engineering Manager, ELMO | Functional Safety
Electronics, Chief Innovation Officer – IRP Systems, Ben Gurion University | A Self-Adjusting and Economical Switched Capacitor Balancer for Serially Connected Energy-Storage-Cells
10:35-11:00 Visiting The Exhibition 11:00-11:25 Prof. Shmuel (Sam) Ben-Yaakov, Consultant – Power Electronics, Chief Innovation Officer – IRP Systems, Ben Gurion University | Utterly Simple Capacitor Pre-Charger Based on a New Floating Integrator
Hall A2
Hall A3
Mr. Haim Zeherman, Automation & Robotics Department Manager, SU-PAD | Solutions You Can Trust Top 10 Challenges in Implementing Cobots in Israeli Industry
11:25-12:00 Visiting The Exhibition & Refreshments 12:00-12:25 Mr. Yair Gozlan, Robotics Engineer, ABB |
Hall A2
Hall A3
Prof. Irad Ben-Gal, Head Laboratory of AI Business and Data Analytics (LAMBDA) & BG(ret.) Barouch Matzliach, PhD. Candidate, Industrial Engineering, Tel Aviv University | Detection of Hidden Targets by a Group of MobileAgents using Deep Reinforcement LearningAbility Dr. Kfir J. Dagan, Electrical Energy Management Laboratory (EEML), Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Ariel University | Current Source Variable Speed Drives
Collaborative Applications – Definition, Specification, Pros & Cons
12:25-12:45 Visiting The Exhibition 12:45-13:10 Prof. Amir Shapiro, Associate Professor Director, Robotics Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ben Gurion University of the Negev | Motion Planning Algorithms for Mobile Robots
Hall A2
Hall A3
13:10-13:30 Visiting The Exhibition & Refreshments 13:30-13:20 PhD. Uri Ben Hanan, CTO of the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing, and Faculty at the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Braud College for Engineering | Implementation of Control and Automation in Small and Medium-Sized Companies Hall A2 13:20-13:30 Visiting The Exhibition 13:30-14:00 Mr. Ariel Segal, Chairman Israeli Society of Electrical Engineers, Owner And CEO of Segal Ariel Electrical Engineering LTD | Electric Vehicle Charging and its Effect on the Electricity Sector Hall A2 14:00-15:00 Visiting The Exhibition & Lottery
בין המציגים: לעידכונים שוטפים:
הכניסה ללא תשלום אך ● ההשתתפות באירועי ניו-טק היא לעובדי תעשיית ההיי-טק והאלקטרוניקה ● נדרשת הרשמה מוקדמת ואישור החברה המארגנת For more information and registration: בחסות: Solutions You Can Trust
בין המבקרים יוגרל שעון SAMSUNG GalaxyWatch5 מבית 44mm
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