New-Tech Military Magazine | Sep-Oct 2019
Save The Date 10.12.19
IoT & Embedded Solution & Microp rocesso rs 2019
Special Session: Cybersecurity for IoT
10.12.19, Pavilion 10, EXPO, Tel Aviv 08:30-15:00
Among the Lectures:
Mr. Pavel Stessin, CEO, TechPack Lab | Designing Optimized IoT Devices for Power, Performance, Cost and Security Mr. Roy Brockman, VP Marketing, SecuriThings | IoT Visibility Starts at the Edge Mr. Daniel Gurevich, Senior Application Eng, Advantech | AIoT– Implementation in the Next Global IoT Revolution Mr. Asaf Galil, Regional Sales Manager, TenAsys | INtime RTOS solution for Time Sensitive Networks Mr. Eran Fine, Co-Ceo, NanoLock Security | Protecting Connected Devices from Outsiders, Insiders and Supply-Chain Attacks Mr. Chezki Frenkel, CEO, Tartico | Network Protection and IoT Privacy - One-Click Testing
Mr. Gabi Zodic, Director of Blockchain & IoT Platforms, IBM | Cognitive People Centric IoT Mr. Guy Dagan, Co-Ceo, ConSienta | IoT - The new Cyber frontier Mr. Eli Melamed, Founder CEO, vinetu Technologies | Implementing 3-Levels Cyber-Security in Large-Scale IoT Deployments Mr. Carlos Augusto Schlabitz Filho, Product Marketing Manager, CeraCharge | World’s First Rechargeable Solid-State SMD Battery Mr. Andreas Steiner, Field Application Engineer Digital Security Solutions, Infineon Technologies AG | Securing IoT Edge and Node Devices with HW Based Security
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